Eliminating PFAS from Used GAC Water Filters

As part of a greater government push for scientific funding of PFAS research, many projects have captured my interest. I’m here to share one of them with you today. Recently, the National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded $250K to Dr. Onur Apul, assistant professor of environmental engineering from the University of Maine, to study how… Continue reading Eliminating PFAS from Used GAC Water Filters

Household PFAS Treatment

As the PFAS issue becomes more prevalent in national news, an increasing amounts of homeowners want to mitigate the threat of PFAS in their water supply. Even though fluorocarbons have many different forms, there are general PFAS solutions for drinking water that exist for the average homeowner. I’ll go over which viable solutions exist, and… Continue reading Household PFAS Treatment

PFAS Problem in Small Towns: A Case Study

Wellesley, Massachusetts is a small suburb located approximately 12 miles away from Boston that I live in. Currently, Wellesley is facing a PFAS crisis that threatens its water supply and is likely to raise taxes for its residents. On Thursday, December 16, 2021, the Wellesley Department of Public Works (DPW) held a public forum presenting… Continue reading PFAS Problem in Small Towns: A Case Study

Existing PFAS solutions

PFAS have not been extensively studied, but they have been a concern for decades. In fact, two of the most well-known PFAS – PFOS and PFOA were phased out by 3M, a large manufacturer of PFAS, in the early 2000s. However, 3M, as well as other companies locally and internationally, still manufacture PFAS for use… Continue reading Existing PFAS solutions