PFAS testing methods

Up until the past decade, testing for PFAS in water has been unstandardized. The EPA released its first PFAS testing method in 2015, and released another method for short-chain PFAS in 2019. Both EPA methods use liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), a complicated laboratory process that allows scientists to ascertain contents of a solution to a… Continue reading PFAS testing methods

Categorized as PFAS, Testing

Analysis of current PFAS situation and what needs to be done

Currently, PFAS pollution is an issue that is lacking in two elements that are critical to its solution: legal regulation and public awareness. The lack of both of these has allowed chemical manufacturing companies to pollute our water sources without restriction, harming the health of hundreds of thousands of people. When it comes to legal… Continue reading Analysis of current PFAS situation and what needs to be done

The Story of DuPont-3

(This story is summarized from an “The Lawyer Who Became DuPont’s Worst Nightmare” by Nathaniel Rich from the New York Times”) The legal fallout that ensued was quite dramatic. DuPont was fined by the EPA and gave a $70 million dollar award to affected communities. For a while, the case hung in a legal limbo as… Continue reading The Story of DuPont-3

The Story of DuPont – 2

(This story is summarized from an “The Lawyer Who Became DuPont’s Worst Nightmare” by Nathaniel Rich from the New York Times”) DuPont released a mass collection of records, all unsorted. In preparation for the trial, Bilott pored over them for months. As he read, he realized that he was dealing with a sinister chemical, the likes… Continue reading The Story of DuPont – 2

The Story of DuPont – 1

(This story is summarized from an “The Lawyer Who Became DuPont’s Worst Nightmare” by Nathaniel Rich from the New York Times”) It all started in 2000. A farmer’s cows suddenly start dying off. His name is Wilbur Tennant. Tennant’s farm is close to a newly DuPont-owned landfill. A creek connects the landfill and the fields… Continue reading The Story of DuPont – 1

PFAS Act of 2021 – Thoughts

I am quite ecstatic that the PFAS Action Act of 2021 was passed this week. Our politicians, with bipartisan cooperation, have recognized a threat that needs to be taken care as soon as possible, and have taken steps to expedite change. The act is something that will propagate massive changes that will ultimately benefit the… Continue reading PFAS Act of 2021 – Thoughts

Existing PFAS solutions

PFAS have not been extensively studied, but they have been a concern for decades. In fact, two of the most well-known PFAS – PFOS and PFOA were phased out by 3M, a large manufacturer of PFAS, in the early 2000s. However, 3M, as well as other companies locally and internationally, still manufacture PFAS for use… Continue reading Existing PFAS solutions

House of Representatives Passes PFAS Bill

Today, the House of Representatives passed the PFAS Action Act of 2021 with a vote of 247 for to 159 against. The bill “establishes requirements and incentives to limit the use of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, commonly referred to as PFAS, and remediate PFAS in the environment.” The act, if passed, requires the EPA to:… Continue reading House of Representatives Passes PFAS Bill